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Operating Principles

We host fun, laid-back Catholic dating events for singles 30-45, focused on building faith-based friendships and connections. Events rotate across the five counties of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, giving you a chance to meet great Catholics from all over. With games, icebreakers, and a relaxed vibe, you’ll have a good time whether or not you leave with a date. We also keep the guy-to-girl ratio balanced and spread the word through parish bulletins, emails, and social media—so you won’t miss out!

Events for Catholic Dating and Friendship

Events that promote Catholic dating. Our events are explicitly designed to promote faith-centered friendship and dating among practicing Catholics 30-45. 


Options Across All 5 ArchPhilly Counties

We host events in all 5 counties of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. If there’s a faithful Catholic Single in a pew 2 counties over, we want to meet that person!


A Fun, Welcoming Atmosphere

We host actually FUN events with a warm, welcoming atmosphere. Dating over age 30 is the worst. We strive to make these events as genuinely fun as possible, focusing on ice breakers, games, and interactive ways to help people mingling and making new connections in friendly, organic ways. Even if an attendee does not go home with a date scheduled, we hope that they go home with some new friendship and encouragement for their journey.


Balanced Men-to-Women Ratio

Long live 1:1 male to female ratio caps! We stagger ticket sales to keep events as balanced as possible.


Events Promoted in Bulletins and Online

We advertise in as many parish bulletins as possible, in addition to our email list and social media. If you want to help promote our events in your parish bulletin or Catholic group, let us know at!

Raising a Toast

Get in Touch

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